Driveways / Flat Work / Epoxy


 Epoxy Installation Project

    • Diamond grinding floor preparation of the current concrete floor & cutting a key way on front lip

    • Vacuum and clean area

    • Inspect area for hairline cracks or spalling, and fill those areas with patching

    • Once dry scrape and sand patch (if cracks or spalling are large or numerous additional cost will apply)

    • Clean and install hyper bond 100% solids epoxy floor coatings provided by floorguard products

    • For flaked floors we broadcast vinyl flakes from Floorguard products until rejection 

    • For solid color floors after applying hyper bond epoxy we will allow it to dry before top coat

    • For flaked floors include scraping flake and ensuring no sharp edges and we apply a 85% solids Polyaspartic coating we use slo-go by floor guard products

    • For solid color floors if under 24 hours apply our slo go, if over 24 hours we will have to sand the previous coating as we are out of the chemical bonding window

    • Jobs take 2 days to install in most cases and need 24 hours cure time before light foot traffic and 72 hours before vehicle traffic 

JPW Design Team